Liveaboard diving in

Abu Ghosun

  • Depth max:

    25 m
  • Visibility:

    to 30m
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Abu Ghosun is a dive site that suits divers of all levels of experience, with average depth of 15m/49ft and water visibility around 10-30m/32-98ft. It is a very easy dive that can be accessed from shore. Several easy entry points lead to a sandy seabed no deeper than 15m/49ft, from this point divers can choose to explore the shallow reef or follow the reef slope down to a maximum depth of 25m/82ft where the reef ends. This site is also home to an old wreck. Abu Ghosun is a great place to snorkel or enjoy a night dive.

When To Go Diving

All year long. The water is warm year round and ranges from 26 to 30C/78-86F.

What to see

Reef, corals, wreck, rays, turtles, groupers, reef fish, butterfly fish.