Liveaboard diving in


  • Diver level:

  • Depth max:

    18 m
  • Visibility:

    to 10m
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Coral garden

It is located at the northern tip of Malapascua and is a dive site for coral lovers. It is a great site for macro diving.

When To Go Diving

The average air temperature is from 24C/75F to 32C/89F. The water temperature ranges from 27C/81F to 30C/86F.

What to see

There is a huge variety of soft and hard coral, much of it in pristine condition. Abundant marine life includes giant frogfish, painted frogfish, smashing mantis shrimp, various sweetlips, cuttlefish and lionfish. There are many nudibranchs, several varieties of commensal shrimp and also porcelain crabs.