Kaadedhdhoo is a northern island in the Maldivian Archipelago, which is located 55 minutes away from the Malé International Airport by air. Kaadedhdhoo Island offers its guests accommodations in hotels located on private islands, and has the healthiest reef in the Maldives. The destination is famous for honeymoon trips, dolphin spotting, yoga practices, spa and wellness courses, and sunset cruises with a possibility of a ‘Cross the Equator’ trip. Divers can try liveaboards, snorkeling, fishing, shore/boat diving, maximum-depth diving, and distance diving. To dive at Kaadedhdhoo, divers need to have obtained the CMAS** or AOW diver certification. There are no conditions for technical diving, but the same time experienced divers may find plenty of things to explore under water, enjoying the depth differences, strong currents, and dense coral reef with great visibility. Most populsar dive sites The most famous dive sites which could be visited along with Kaadedhdhoo are featured in the central and southern routes of local liveaboards, such as Felidhe, Mulaku, and Thaa.