Liveaboard diving in
Wild Fish Ridge
Wild Fish Ridge is a 30m/98ft-long ridge that is mostly covered in spectacular, overlapping layers of table corals, sea whip colonies, and huge elephant ear sponges. Sometimes it is hard to see the life covering the reef because of all the fish. Because of the currents, this dive is best done by descending to the deep areas and staying there as long as possible, and then ascending through the shallow areas that have lots of Acropora corals.
When To Go Diving
It is possible to dive at Wild Fish Ridge year-round. The monsoon season is from July to September. The sea temperature is 26-29C/79-83F throughout the year.
What to see
While scuba diving, divers can find jacks, surgeonfish, sweetlips, snapper, barracudas, wrasses, boxes, pufferfish, crabs, shrimp, nudibranchs, sharks, stingrays, and turtles.