Liveaboard diving in

Le Togo

  • Diver level:

  • Depth max:

    68 m
  • Visibility:

    to 30m
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Must see
The Togo is a 76m/249ft long cargo ship with both sails and steam engine, built in Newcastle in 1882 for the French Compagnie Havraise Peninsulaire. In 1918 it ran into a floating mine in the Bay of Cavalaire and went down rapidly. Split in two, the main part with the bow lies at 60m/196ft while the stern is at 68m/223ft depth. It is possible to swim through the wreck and explore the impressive engine room through the opening left after the collapse of the main chimney. The anchors and a cast-iron stove are still down there and in good condition. The wreck is covered in red, orange, black and deep purple gorgonian fans and inhabited by a variety of marine life.

When To Go Diving

The best time to dive Le Togo is from April to October when the average water temperature reaches 20C/68F. The average depth of the site is more than 40m/131ft. Water visibility is good, 10-30 m/32-98ft.

Reviews about Le Togo

C'est une plongée vraiment profonde, mais très int
C'est une plongée vraiment profonde, mais très intéressante pour les plongeurs expérimentés! L'épave est recouvert de gorgones colorées. Jean-Louis B
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