Liveaboard diving in
Te Vega
Te Vega dive site is located on the tiny island of Susac, which can be found southwest of Korcula Island. The dive site features a small sea lake that can be entered through an underwater tunnel at the depth of 5m/16ft. The stony bottom of the lake is covered with brown and green algae and divers will see numerous gobies and parrofish. When divers rise to the surface of the lake they will see that the lake is surrounded by vertical cliffs that are over thirty meters high.
When To Go Diving
It is possible to dive Te Vega all year round. The average water temperature varies from 14C/57F in winter to 26C/79Fin summer. The rainy period is from October until January. The best time for diving is from April to October.
What to see
In the shallower waters divers will see numerous shoals of damselfish, while deeper down, the rocks are occupied by conger eels, lobsters, brown meagre and red scorpionfish. Closer to the bottom they will see numerous gobies and parrotfish.