Liveaboard diving in

Ras il Hobz

  • Diver level:

  • Depth max:

    70 m
  • Visibility:

    to 30m
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Must see

Ras il Hobz dive site is situated off the southeast coast of Gazo Island and features a single pinnacle that rises vertically to approximately 9m/30ft. The dive is usually done by diving to the maximum possible depth, which depends on the diver's level of experience, and then ascending in a spiral around the pinnacle. On their way to the summit, divers can find lobsters, octopi and crabs, and see shoals of reef fish along with some species of pelagic fish.

When To Go Diving

It is possible to dive this site all year round, as the average annual water temperature is 20C/F. However, the water temperature during the winter is as low as 14-17C/58-63F. From May through November the water temperature ranges from 18C/65F to 26C/77F.

What to see

Besides the beautiful coral growth on the rock, divers can see lobsters, octopus, schools of painted comber, sea bream and other smaller fish. Jacks, dentex and morays are also often seen all around the rock.