Liveaboard diving in

Mitilini wreck

  • Depth max:

    22 m
  • Visibility:

    to 30m
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The Mitilini is a 36m-long cargo ship that sank in the autumn of 1961 at a distance of 0.6km/0.4mi from shore. The reason water got inside was a breakage due to a crash near the propeller during a severe storm. Luckily there were no casualties, just the cargo was lost, such as barrels of wine and food items. This shipwreck is a great attraction in the area, teeming with marine life.

When To Go Diving

Diving is possible all year round with the sea temperature ranging from14C/57F in winter to a high of 28C/82F in the summer. The high season is considered to be from April to October.

What to see

The wreck is now a living reef full of sea flora and fauna: groupers, conger eels, octopi, eels, spirographs, lobsters, and lots of little fish, as well as colorful sponges and corals. Also, in the summertime divers can see tuna and swordfish.