Marine Life

20 10, 2016

The insides of the Solmar V Great White Shark Incident

2019-08-28T14:23:14+00:00October 20th, 2016|Categories: Dive Travel, Liveaboard Diving, Marine Life|Tags: , |

Cage diving has been an open subject for many debates in shark conservation. Even though there are strict rules and measures, unexpected may happen. More about the most viral incident in Guadalupe Island-->

2 10, 2016

Go diving on the liveaboard in Indonesia

2019-08-28T14:26:17+00:00October 2nd, 2016|Categories: Dive Travel, Liveaboard Diving, Marine Life, Southeast Asia|Tags: , , |

There is no other country in the world that offers that much for divers! Indonesia can proudly hold its reputation of the most diverse and abundant when it comes to diving activities. Have a brief look at diving in Indonesia here-->

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