Liveaboard diving in

C-53 Felipe Xicotencatl Wreck

  • Diver level:

  • Depth max:

    24 m
  • Visibility:

    to 30m
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A 10m/33ft wide and 56m/184ft long Mexican Navy Minesweeper was built in 1944 in Florida, acquired by the Mexican government in the 1960s and after years of use was sunk in 1999. For quite a long time (1962-1999) the ship patrolled the Gulf of Mexico and the Mexican Caribbean sea serving in rescue missions and screening for outlaw arms and drugs. Now the wreck rests in Chankanaab Bay sitting almost perfectly upright and flat with the bow facing SSE and stern NNW. The wreck consists of 4 decks, which, as of this day, remain mostly intact. One of the rudders has some wide cracks allowing for easy access and providing a convenient entry/exit point for divers during penetration. Important to note, that the wreck is rather dark and an artificial light is mandatory for this dive.

When To Go Diving

Diving is possible throughout the year with water temperature ranging from 25C/75F in the winter to 30C/85F in the summer.

What to see

Among the marine species occupying the wreck divers can observe some big angel fish, axe fish, large barracudas, garden eels, sardines, as well as quite a few other species.